28 days

I truly can not Believe that I have sliced for 28 days. I was so scared to commit to this challenge since I am not writer, I have never blogged before. As a young girl I didn’t write in a diary. I was a Tomboy. I liked to play games and go outside all day long and get dirty. I always associated writing girly! Nope not me, I wasn’t girly at all. I didn’t have time to write down my feelings, I didn’t have time to read! There were lots of friends to play with and lots of things to do! So for me, it was a huge challenge and I was so scared to be among all these people, all these writers good writers…teachers….they aRe born writers aren’t they?!

But I did it anyway, being fearful of not being a good writer, which I still think but it did get easier to write a little slice of my day. Somedays maybe were just something quick to just get it done and have that weight lifted! And others I felt really good about. 

After the thirty days I just might continue to slice! 

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5 Responses to 28 days

  1. BSoltero says:

    Ummm are we the same person lol! I know exactly how you are feeling! You should feel very proud of yourself for making it this far, I know I do!! Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ccahill2013 says:

    I hope you keep it up because you ARE a Writer! Way to face your fears and jump in with both feet!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dana Murphy says:

    Melissa, I feel the exact same way. Some days I was really proud of what I wrote, and other days I was more like, “eh.” BUT I wrote every single day and that is what matters. I’m super proud of you. Really. I loved reading your posts and I think you have some natural writing talent!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LSquared says:

    I like your honesty. And like you, I’m exhilirated that I’ve hung in with the Challenge. Love being back in a daily groove though daily writing may not be a habit yet.
    Writing is good for us on so many levels.

    Liked by 1 person

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